Intervention in public space, 33 nettle cootton flags and pieces, 180cm long, Max-Joseph-Platz, Munich, DE, 2021
Commissioned by Pulse of Europe eV
The Pulse of Europe Initiative of Munich asked artist Lia Sáile to reflect on solidarity and the EU. Sáile‘s work evokes questions: What are basic conditions of solidarity?

Who is in solidarity with whom? What are principles of exclusion, mechanisms and power relations behind solidarity action or non-action?
29 monochrome white large scale flags float on sail ropes in a slightly open circle above the square. The motifs are deconstructed and reconstructed collages of the exact geometric shapes of the 27 current EU member flags, one potential future EU flag and one past EU flag. One side of the fabric shows elaborate details that on the reverse side can be seen only as a seam. This elaborated side faces outward – a façade, a public image, an ideal, a manifesto that has been designed and implemented, presents itself. The external image immediately points to the inherent tension of the inside and outside, of „us“ and „others“ – a principle of inclusion and exclusion.
Der Verein Pulse of Europe, Städteteam München, bat Künstlerin Lia Sáile, die Themen Solidarität und EU aufzugreifen. Sáiles Arbeit evoziert Fragen: Was sind Grundbedingungen von Solidarität? Wer ist mit wem solidarisch verbunden? Was sind Ausschlussprinzipien, Mechanismen und Machtverhältnisse hinter solidarischem Handeln oder Nicht-Handeln?
29 monochrom-weiße Fahnen schweben an Segelseilen in offenem Kreis über dem Platz. Die Motive sind de- und rekonstruierte Collagen aus den exakten geometrischen Formen der 27 gegenwärtigen EU-Mitglieder-Fahnen, einer potenziell zukünftigen und einer vergangenen EU-Fahne.
Special Thanks
Jochen G., Esther Mauersberger, Monika Trimmel, Harald Hemmer, Harald Hofbauer, Dr. Daniel Bürkner, Margit Ertlmaier, Georg Veit, Oli, Lisa & Laura, Carla & Michael
and Bezirksausschuss 1 Altstadt/Lehel